The Community Council of Kissonerga has build a new cemetery, based on the provisions of the Cemetery Law N.257(1)2004, which provides the authority to local authorities to build cemeteries for the residents of their community.
The Cemetery Law (article 10(1)) foresees that the authority should apportion the cost that arises between the residents of the community, per household, with respect to the “financial capabilities” of each household.
The cemetery tax imposed by the Community Council of Kissonerga, irrelevant of nationality, is based on a minimum charge of €100 per household per annum, which increases according to the financial capabilities of each household i.e. number of adults in the household, adult employment status, students, soldiers etc.
As the cemetery is build taking into consideration all Christian Religions of our residents, i.e. Orthodox, Catholics. Protestants, etc, all residents of our community have the right of burial in our community’s cemetery.
The cost of burial is:
• €850 for any Christian resident of Kissonerga, irrelevant of nationality and religion
• €5000 for non Christian residents of Kissonerga (subject to the Community Council’s approval)
Further information about the burial pricing criteria may be obtained by the Community Councils Office.